Becoming a Member

VASCAPA is a non-profit organization (association sans but lucratif  or asbl  in French), registered in Belgium with the number 845.413.891. Out headquarters are located at Avenue Baron Albert d’Huart 192, in Kraainem. VASCAPA is also a member of Rare Diseases Belgium (Radiorg), Rare Disorders Belgium and Rare Diseases Europe (EURORDIS).

All individuals suffering from a vascular anomaly, their relatives, loved ones as well as those that desire to help and promote the goals and actions of the association and welcome to join us. Conforming with Belgian law, our association recognizes two typs of members, effective members and adherent members, that can be natural or moral persons. Therefore, there are two ways to join Vascapa.

By becoming an adherent member:

Adherent members provide moral support without any further engagement, in particular without any financial obligations. We invite all our members to participate on our activities, as well as to help us as much as they wish. Adherent members can not participate of our Management Counsel, nor vote on the association's General Assembly.

To become an adherent member, please fill in the following form.

By becoming an effectif member: 

Effective members have a right to vote at the association's General Assembly, and can also participate on the Management Counsel within certain conditions.

To become an effective member, as per the law and our association's statutes, it is required to make an explicit demand to the Management Counsel which must be approved by the General Assembly, which convenes at least once per year.

Effective members must oblige an anual contribution of 20 Euros.

If you wish to join us as an effective member of VASCAPA or if you wish to have more information related to the organization of VASCAPA, please contact us by email to .


Make a donation 

Whether you become a member or not, you can always contribute with a donation to support our activities. Please check how to contribute to VASCAPA by donating.